De Montfort University
De Montfort University (DMU) is a leading research-oriented new university in the UK with around 20,000 students, 3,000 staff, and £130,000,000 turnover in 2005/6. DMU's School of Computing was awarded the research rating 4 in the most recent UK Research Assessment Exercise held in 2001. Since this assessment, Computing research has advanced in both depth and breadth, with the majority of its output at a level of high international excellence. De Montfort University has a dedicated and experienced European Office which will support the administrative aspects of the projects and take responsibility for the non-academic side of project management.
The Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR), one of the School's five research centres, is the largest research centre of its kind in the UK and one of few in Europe and the world. The centre comprises a Director, a Reader, a Senior Research Fellow, 12 Research Associates who are full time members of staff, two visiting professors and 6 international visiting fellows. The CCSR runs the Information Society Doctoral Programme which currently includes 15 full time and 10 part time research students. The CCSR has undertaken funded research for a range of stakeholders including private organisations, professional bodies, NGOs, the UK government and the EU. As one of the leading research centres in the field, the CCSR has set up and continues to run the ETHICOMP conference series, the latest of which was held in Japan in March 2007. The CCSR is uniquely well connected with scholars with an interest in ICT and ethics and has strong links throughout Europe and beyond. CCSR operates the world's leading web portal for computer ethics.
Key Personnel
Dr. Bernd Carsten Stahl is the scientific representative of the coordinator (short: coordinator) of the project. His personal website is available at:
Professor Simon Rogerson is the Director of the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility which hosts the ETICA project.
Dr. Kutoma J. Wakunuma is the Research Fellow working on De Montfort University's aspects of the project.
Ms. Ranjeet Johal is the Project Administrator